Tuesday, 5 October 2010

Dear Sumayya,

Yesterday was Mama and Daddy's 2nd wedding anniversary. Daddy took us out for dinner to celebrate this. We went to Damiral's Grill, our favorite eatery. I was thinking of having a romantic dinner for two, but Daddy insisted that we bring you along.We are going to make it our tradition to include you in our wedding anniversary dinner each year. We want you to be there to celebrate with us. I love Daddy, but remember, not as much as I love you ;)

Last week prior to our anniversary, Daddy bought me this adorable pink fuchsia handbag at the Village Mall, Sungai Petani. I totally took my time browsing through the shop and I finally chose this beauty. Daddy sangat sweet kan? I didn't get Daddy any present though, but I'm saving it for his birthday which will be in November.

P/S: Daddy is getting better and better with his photography skills. I'm so proud of him.

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