Dear Sumayya,
I owe you and this blog an apology. I think I have failed to keep my promise. Daddy thinks its quite uncool to not to finish (or maintain) what I started (he means blog writing). Anyway to make up for it here is a list of what I call important updates of what has been going on for the past few months:

- We celebrated your 1st birthday 2 weeks earlier on Labour Day, because your cousins Sarah and Mu'adz were here. We had cake and nasi ayam, your fave dish at that time.
- These days you're not too keen on your solid food yet. Either you chew the food and end up spitting them out, or you refuse the food completely.
- At the age of 16 months, you can almost run and you already have 5 teeth.
- Mama tried to make you switch to bottle feeding (formula milk) but so far after the third attempt you still seem to think that mommy's milk is the best.
- Your first words are "nak", or "nanak" which either means "I want" or "I don't want" (could be both), and sometimes you can say "MAMA" only upon request. Its so cute!
- At this age you show deep interest in music (your fave song so far is by LMAO the Party Rock Anthem), dancing (you can shuffle!), cooking (or pretend to) and meeting people.
- I had your Skim Simpanan Pendidikan Nasional account opened the other day. Your total amount of duit raya (which exceeded RM1000 will go to this college fund of yours! :)
That's all I could think of right now. Maybe I'll write more when I remember them. I love you Sumayya. I think you grow cuter and cuter by day.